The layout of the pandal from a distance. The concept was quite unique. Observe the way the flying birds were depicted using woven hay strings. Also lots of clods of clay (mati or khiti) was used across the pandal. Some were burnt into a terracotta
 The idol of devi Durga also had a full effect of pure clay. Not much colours were used to keep the presentation in sync with the central theme.
 The ceiling and the walls were very well presented. Strings of clay clods connected as a chain and painted in different colours were hanging from the ceiling,
 The full view of the idol. It was presented as if the idol has been carved in a huge pile of clay!
 Along the side walls, these outstanding gardens were created using with just clay! The clay clods depicted the soil on which have sprung different plants which are blossomed with flowers. The flowers were represented with clay pots cut in different
 Here are more flowers!
 Infinite strings of clay clods hanging from the ceiling...
 Birds flying through the blue sky. The creativity of an artist comes through if they can get the imagination rolling for the spectators. Malay and Subhamay has been successful in doing that in Pally Mangal Samity.
 Bird created with ropes make of coconut shells...
 Entrance to the pandal. There was a nice rustic and rural music in the background. The structure at the entrance shows the connect of everything to  khiti (soil).  Everything around us has the roots flowing into  khiti .
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